About us

Welcome to PERFCT Clothing, we’re glad your here! 

My name is Tyler Brittain, and I am the founder of PERFCT Clothing. I have run several other successful clothing brands, but never really felt the connection to the garments I have designed and created, which led me to make PERFCT. 

I wanted to use the skills and information I have acquired over the years for a good cause. Instead of just making a hoodie you might wear for a couple months then forget about, I wanted to make pieces that people can feel connected to and want to wear to spread positivity. 

Nowadays throughout the world there is too much negativity, and everyone knows that. Now I wish I could snap my fingers and make the world a better place, but I can’t. But what I can do is create clothing that spreads a positive message and put a smile on someone’s face. 

We hope you join us in our long journey of trying to spread a good message to the world, and make it better one day at a time.